Congrats to our EIS Awards Finalists Dr. Scholl’s and Sazerac!

The secret power of the unopened email

Popular opinion states that an unopened email means your subscriber is disengaged and uninterested in making a purchase – we disagree. Unopened email communications have a tangible impact on brand awareness and can lead to purchase activity across all channels.

How? That’s the subject of this week’s Email-Worx, the phenomenon known to us here at Alchemy Worx as the Nudge Effect…»

Find out how to create emails that sell – whether they are opened or not.

Last updated: May 05, 2015  Alchemy Worx


We Test Everything: 143 = I Love You Wins!

Sometimes, the most obscure references—okay, maybe not so obscure, depending on your ageand experience with digital communications—can trigger a response in email marketing.In this case, it’s the number 143. Lighthouses

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